Zen's Top 5 Tech Predictions for 2017

Zen's Top 5 Tech Predictions for 2017

So now that 2016 is behind us, a new year is here and with it a slew of new potential directions for tech. Now I made a video prior showcasing my predictions for 2016’s tech direction and I think I was fairly accurate, feel free to check that video out here:

However, for 2017 I have another set of predictions for the world of technology. Now I know CES just got finished, and I had planned to get this out here before then — if only to not make it seem like I’m basing everything off CES, but even then CES usually shows off devices ready to release or concepts that are far from production. If you wish to view the 2017 video instead, that’s applied just below:

Regardless, here are my top 5 Tech Predictions of 2017

Number 5: Higher Resolution Displays on Devices

One thing that is clearly apparent is that developers and manufacturers have a fetish to crispy pixels. I think we’re already seeing, what, 8k displays? Most people are still on 1080 and will likely jump over 2k to 4k. By the time people start moving towards 8k monitors/tvs, we’ll probably see 16k displays!

Craziness aside, I predict we will see more 2k to 8k displays on our devices, even on our cellphones! Watch as there will be a market ploy to be the first 8k cellphone… We’ll also likely see advancements in the less focused on tech of the actual display – things like exploring more mediums for displays like when “crystal” displays were a hot topic.

Either way, be on the look out for some crispy crispy viewing. 

P.S. got a low cost 4k TV on the way to review in the coming month.

Number 4: Battery Advancements

Everyone could benefit from better batteries! And with every manufacturer of cellphones wanting to go sickeningly thin with their devices, batteries have taken a big punch to their full on time charged. It’s gotten to the point where people have started to realize “I’d rather have a device that lasts longer rather than having to charge more often then not.”

We’ve been given Quick Charging (and all the variants) to make up for this (and because the tech is genuinely useful) but that’s not enough, and I think 2017 is the year where we get advancement in the lifetime of batteries, their time charged, and the charge time of batteries.

Here’s hoping!

Number 3: Cyber Security Builtin to EVERYTHING

Cyber security is important. Really important. The average consumer is just now starting to see that it might be important. Welp, that’s good enough for developers to put more effort into marketing functions and features of devices having security aspects.

Let’s recall the massive cyber attack on the internet, it was due to the IoT (Internet of Things) not being secured. If you listen to the EoZ Podcast, then you might have heard me and Louis discussing the idea that we think IoT devices should have built-in fire-walls and defenses… and this was months before said attack… (maybe we gave the attackers the idea? I don’t know).

It’s already becoming more apparent though, with new phones boasting security, apps designed specifically for security becoming more popular and common for the average user – and more people being aware about the importance of your privacy, data and all.

Stay on top of security!

Number 2: Augmented Reality and VR Pushing Forward

AR and VR have taken a lot of flak lately, though I think unwarranted because most negative impressions have been through the gaming uses for it. However Microsoft is still going strong with the Hololens, rumors of Google prepping a successor to the Google Glass, and though still in need of a lot improvements, Project Tango is proving to become more useful in each step it takes in upgrading.

I have no doubt, due to the sheer amount of mobile phone VR projects, that we will continue to see VR and AR as a front runner in the marketing in the tech world. Expect to see the next smart cars to have integrated AR in their windshield, smart windows and mirrors are going to become less rare, and… well… more VR games.  

Number 1: Flexible Devices

Ever since the concept idea for the Nokia Morph, I’ve always wanted to see a tablet fold into a phone, fold into bracelet. Now while that concept might still be a ways out, we’ll probably still see more flexible devices. More TVs that have a motorized curving function, perhaps seeing phones that can bend, circuit boards that bend, etc.

The increase in flexible devices can prove to be a game changer (in my opinion) when it comes to devices. Imagine billboards not needing to be repainted constantly, Screens running along walls even over corners, etc.

The main concern that I have would be that of people’s “premium feeling” for the encasing that flexible devices may be in. Can’t be made of metal, and that may upset, for some reason, a lot of people.

Sources: Samsung | Arirang | Valve | Nokia