Superman Legacy Trailer - Mixed Reactions

As James Gunn takes the helm to give a new attempt at a shared DC universe, a bigger one at that as Gunn is also pulling in animated works, tv series, and video games to be included into said universe, a teaser for the new Superman movie has dropped! And reactions across the world (physical and virtual) has resulted have been quite mixed. While generally positive... the biggest issue seems to be the suit, and overuse of "feel-good moments" to potentially hide away overstuffing of content.
Superman Official Trailer | DC Official YouTube Channel
My PERSONAL Thoughts and Opinions
Don't Come at me Over Opinions
Kal El / Clark Kent

When images first dropped of the actor, David Corenswet, as both Kal El in the suit (which I'll get into later) and as Clark Kent at the Daily Planet, I wasn't quite sold!
Now, however, I can easily say I've been won-over for the Clark Kent look. The jerry curl style of hair isn't as Zoomerish in motion, for real for real - no cap, but the Kel El Superman look? I'm at a "half-baked" mood over it.
Reason being - in certain shots of the trailer, David looks... a lot like Tom Holland... And with a project title of "Superman Legacy" with clear indication that Superman has been around (this isn't like Man of Steel where Kal dons the suit for the first time and has to grow into the role), he's already an established presence... yet he looks so... young and childish in many shots. It doesn't look bad, but... it's just... off in my eyes. Which is even weirder because if you take a look at behind the scenes shots, David spent a lot of time and effort getting in shape and in those photos... he looks appropriate!
But I think the main reason I'm not really feeling it is due to...
The Suit

I can't really sugar coat it in any way... I don't like the suit. Generally, the overall design isn't bad - I like the crest of the back of the cape, I like the general design, but it's too thick - words I never thought I'd say. The suit doesn't have to be skin tight, but it completely removes any form of David's figure, thus making him look like a younger guy in a suit that's too big or them.
That said - and this my personal tastes... I can't stand the red shorts. Just don't. I'd rather they try something like just having a waste area design built into the suit that's red rather than being literal red shorts over the suit. And to have the belt tie into the actual shorts is also just a weird visual choice.
The cape itself I'm fine with - I'd prefer a longer one, but it's not bad. The only time I've ever hated a cape on Superman is when I've seen drawings of the cape being a size too close to his waist.
I really am sorry if I'm coming off overly negative here - the goal is not to make anyone agree with me, or to deflate any excitement for something someone may be super passionate about - but I was expected much better by this point in regards to the look and feel for the suit.
The Pallet and Color Grading

Okay, look... I like contrast. I don't mind elements and tones ranging from dark to bright, or a washed out scene to hinge on emotion and/or vibe. What I'm saying is that I didn't have an issue with Snyder's - but I didn't mind the color grading displayed in this trailer. At some points, some scenes felt overly saturated, but that's the vibe and feel this movie is apparently going for.
While this pallet may not be for me, I don't think it's poorly done. So I'd expect a majority of approval, with maybe a little bit of "that could have been slightly toned down" here and there.

General Feeling on What's Displayed

Look: We cannot know how this is going to play out until it's out and we all go see it. But I will admit, I'm not a fan of this allegedly being All-Star inspired if this is going to be the start to a new line of DC movies. It pretty much leaves no room for Kal-El to grow if he's already well established and at the All-Star level. And... while I don't have the context... I do NOT like the visual of Superman just chatting with Lois while an alien being is right outside lasering the public...
As for David - I actually like his look, mostly, as both Clark as well as Kal. I just think the suit detracts GREATLY from the vision. At some points it has him looking like a slightly older Tom Holland. And we've seen that David himself bulked up for the role. That aside, I think he'll do the role justice, but I don't know if he'll wow the majority the same way as Cavil and even Hoechlin did. But here's hoping!
The movie is also going to have a LOT of appearances of other heroes, and from the trailer, a LOT of villains and threats as well. For some, this James Gunn doing this might seem fine - but, and while this may mark me as a hater - I didn't quite like the Guardians movies. I don't think they're bad, but there's a lot of character and plot disconnect that's held together and transitioned by quick convenient moments. It's a movie, and they hit on many cylinders, but they're not my personal cup of tea.
I'll also add - before giving my final message and ask - but... I honestly find a lot of issue with hypocrisy...

This trailer alone has shown a few specific instances that Man of Steel was given a lot of flak for: Brooding Superman, a part of the public that complains about/hates Superman, and city destruction...
Be it not me to tell others what they can or cannot like - and I'll gladly defend anyone's criticisms towards a product. But I would ask that "specific" problems not be misstated out of disliking other aspects. If the problem was "specifically" a Superman who cannot prevent another super-being from destroying parts of a city - then don't give that "specific" situation a pass when done in a different movie.
Closing Thoughts
And My Ask to any Readers

Relax with the extremist camps. Please.
Superman is Superman. From his initial appearance in Action Comics, to his many displays across the silver screen. Superman has been portrayed in various iterations across various eras.
If one version of Superman isn't to your liking, that's perfectly fine! And it's equally fine if that version you dislike is someone else's favorite version. Stop trying to dig your heels in what's been completed, and stop lashing out wildly at others who're not excited at all about what's coming.
Each individual has their opinion, their likes, their dislikes. And any and everyone who belittles others for their tastes beyond a genuine conversation that leads to a simple disagreement is being childish and annoying.
I for one hope the movie does well - but I'm not excited for any Superhero movies in the pipeline from anyone. That doesn't mean no one else has to not be excited though!
-- Also, avoid interacting with bots on social media. They're setup for all forms of opinionated sides. They're simply used to build engagement through rage fueling sentiments.