First day with Simple
Gotta say that the app looks pretty sleek and the interface has an up-to-date appearance. As of usability, I can’t say much since I do not have any money in my account. I will post more as soon as I’m able to use it.
Gotta say that the app looks pretty sleek and the interface has an up-to-date appearance. As of usability, I can’t say much since I do not have any money in my account. I will post more as soon as I’m able to use it. With the whole premise of the internet compromised with the discovery of Heartbleed, it’s nice to know where the safe spots are. Also, remember to change your passwords!
Log Horizon Note: May contain Minor Spoilers! Watching Season 1 of Log Horizon, I couldn’t help but feel that this is what Sword Art Online should have been. Do not take that as a knock at SAO, that was a great… first half of – of an awesome anime, but
Well, as you might have heard from other outlets or social media, Oculus Rift has been obtained by Facebook for 2 Million dollars. This news irritates me – simply for my disposition towards Facebook – but I hope that the guys and gals at the Oculus Rift project finishes their project with
Hello everyone! ZenOokami here, just wanted to post a simple python program that converts temperatures with a GUI. The program itself was made in order to learn TkInter. We will be working on a video for teaching how to code it from start to finish! Until then though here’s
Traversing the lands of Skyrim can be quite peaceful, but also deadly. Because of this, having a companion with you is advised, even if only for the companionship. Considering many aspects, here are my top 5 modded companions and why: Number 5: Zeeri Mod: 3 New Argonian Followers | Get It
Due to a few vulnerabilities, we’ve decided to switch systems. There are further updates and changes we’re working on and we’ll keep you posted on them.
Still working on mobile usability. Also attempting to make the site more dynamic.