Microsoft to Thwart Piracy for Windows 9

According to various sources – mainly by the person “WZOR“, who leaked major information and pictures of Win9  – Microsoft is planning on adding a new type of system to deter/prevent pirating the upcoming new version of the Windows Operating System.

Many rumors speculated that Win9 might have been free, or at least free for upgrading from legitimate versions of Win7 and Win8, but many speculate that is just a pipe dream due to the leaked information (take with a grain of salt until officially talked about from Microsoft) that the restraints on installing Win9 will be less strict than before. An example would be being allowed to install Win9 on the same machine over and over again infinitely without having that license lost.

If you’re curious about Win9 stay on the look out as apparently a RTM (“Release To Manufacturing”) version will be sent out before 2015, so you’re likely to be able to find a version in the wild to test try and test out.

Personally I do not think Microsoft can stop people from pirating their operating system, and if they push too far it’ll only incite more reason to move to Linux(Unix) and push for it’s rise to the top. If gaming can come to Linux like it is for Windows now, then we’ll definitely see a spike devs and users moving over to the glory that is the penguin.

Sources🙁 Toms Hardware | Myce | Softpedia )