Let's Talk about Google's Pixels

Let's Talk about Google's Pixels
Just like with the iPhone X, I find myself seeing outlets and individuals being rather hostile against with the new Pixel 2 XL, and just like with the iPhone X, there are legitimate complaints to be had but a lot is being focused on things that aren’t the problem.

So, I understand many take in consideration the price, the brand, the expectations, and rightfully demand a level of quality. However, sometimes people hold a level of bias or unrealistic standards when it comes to technology… While the screens on the Pix 2 XL does, in fact, have muted colors by not taking advantage of higher ranges of color – the whole blue shift thing is common for phone screens… especially OLED screens… So honestly, the only real problem, like real real problem, that I see with the Pix 2 XL are: The color range, no headphone jack, single usb-c, no expandable storage, and no removable back.

The whole screen retention doesn’t seem to be extreme early on (but will become apparent later on, because… well… OLED) and shouldn’t be noticeable in normal use until much later in the device’s life. That aside, I do personally side with the other areas of worry in terms of no headphone jack, a single usb-c port, no removable back, etc. being continuous steps backwards in the realm of mobile devices… and this coming from Google is just sad…

But everyone has their ideal smartphones and the features they look for, and that’ll continue to vary user to user, feel free to express your ideal features in the comment section below.