Information on OurMine Hacking Team

Update: Was sent the cached version of the dox in one of the twitter quotes.

I was awoken this morning, far too early if you ask me, about news pertaining hacks. What seemingly first seemed like an aggressive ad for some white/gray hat hackers, slowly turned worse as more information was sent to me, and I finally got up to look at what exactly was going on — here are the deets on “OurMine Team”.

During these past few weeks a ‘new’ hacker group has been causing commotions since March 31st, 2015 under the banner “OurMine Team” when they hacked into a SOTI customer’s $500,000usd account – claiming to donate the money to the poor. Apparently the group started out as a part of Anonymous – which is no surprise as Anonymous does not have an actual centralized authority for managing every member, it’s essentially an anarchy – but in December of 2015 a section of the group went rouge and broke away from the Anonymous morals.

They started with attacking WikiLeaks, Minecraft Servers, Minecraft accounts, and making general threats online. However, when their main Anonymous group found out, they sent a simple request:

.@Our_Mine if you really are the ones firing DDoS attacks against wikileaks, please cease the operation, we are doing important research
— Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) December 21, 2015

After OurMine continued to attack WikiLeaks, another Anonymous branch chimed in, and doxxed the hackers (Cached link to the dox):

Sit down motherfuckers – Anonymous d0xes .@Our_Mine skids | #Wikileaks #Anonymous | @YourAnonNews— Anonymous (@AnonyInfo) December 22, 2015

There’s information suggesting that the original OurMine team was a group of 3-5 from Saudi Arabia, but we’ve not been to properly confirm this due the dox link being removed, but they have apparently been doxed before in a hacker war with TeamBudyBear:

.@KEEMSTARx @Our_Mine We’re down, last time ourmine backed out because they cant speak english properly 
— Anonymous (@BudyBearReborn) December 22, 2015 

 Essentially now that they’ve broken away from Anonymous, they’re now trying to make a name for themselves through the use of the recent YouTube, Instagrams, Twitter, Skype, pretty much every social platform that they can get into.

Notable people who’ve been hit by OurTeam include: Markiplier, Yamimash, DramaAlert, and Others.

Mark has had his channel taken over, while Yami has had his address leaked alongside his facebook, ebay, paypal, and amazon hacked and money used. Drama Alert’s site had seemingly been hit when the DNS routing sent out an error message for about 10 minutes before popping back up. Others such as Minecraft server admins, and developers have had accounts taken over, one attempting to be sold for $500usd.

While we’re sure that these attacks won’t have long lasting effects as Yami should be able to have his money reimbursed due to fraudulent spending, and accounts should be able to be reset through contacting security/support and getting to admins of the said platforms – it should all be fine.

What this does do for us is remind us how important security is! If you run a site, please use safety measures – we recommend CloudFlare – and don’t use the same passwords for your sensitive accounts.

If you gain any information on the subject be sure to inform us.

It’s when you start underestimating the enemy when you will fall.

-Louis “ThatMexikan” S.

 Sources: The CryptoSphere | DramaAlert Reddit