FireFox's Ads in New Tab Screen

FireFox adds ads to New Tab screen… so what?
Many FireFox users have been complaining about the new ad system Mozilla implemented in their browser. If you haven’t been up to speed – ads now appear in the “new tab” screen (as you’ve probably guessed from our title). As you can imagine many have considered this a problem as no one really likes ads. But is this really an issue? I don’t think so, and I’ll tell you why.

Ads are not intentionally bad:
Ads, for their base intentional purpose, are in fact rather useful. They provide onlookers at a product or service that may be useful. It’s a great way to find new things that might be awesome! However, when these ads become overbearing, controlling, and begin to harvest sensitive data is when ads become problematic. Now – I don’t believe Mozilla will use such overbearing ads — nor does an ad in a “new tab” screen actually pull away from what the user is likely doing.

Ads help content creators:
So why have that ad there in the first place? Simple. Ads help those who’ve placed them there. It helps them make money usually – and for the team at Mozilla who have made an awesome FREE (free being very important in this case) it causes no direct harm to the user (I say no direct harm because I do not know personally 100% whether or not there’s any funny business going on with their ads, even though I doubt there’s any trouble).

Ads can help the user:
Ads help those who intend to give free and or cheap content. Imagine if the ads were properly geared towards your interests? Such as if you’re on a gaming website, and you see an ad for a new game? Even more so, how about an old game but one that’s now being advertised as on a discount? Surely if the game interests you? Well that’s the beauty of ads — it’s just that with many things, they’ve been exploited and abused. We would one day like to help solve that problem, but that’s something else entirely.

If you want them to be able to provide great quality, then you should find ways to support them.

*FireFox has an option to opt out from the ads, which makes them even cooler. But honestly, try to support awesome people like Mozilla – even if it’s being stated by a chrome user 😉

So while others probably complain about the ads, just remember that Mozilla has not done anything to disrupt your daily browsing. So be sure to support them!

Sources🙁 PC World | Locker Gnome | The Next Web )